Software for modeling legal outcomes

“We need a software solution to model legal outcomes available to individual:
(i) If law is based on Acts of Parliament which are written in a tree structure;
(ii) Then Information can be placed into software complying with the tree structure in (i), so we can dynamically model the outcomes possible? Else
(iii) Information is missing to complete the modelling of outcomes. What information is missing?

Legal information is modelled by flowcharts — for example patent steps and requirements are modelled in the Act (see ).

Sadly, a flowchart is not sufficient to aid understanding due to their lack of dynamically modelling individual requirements – a flowchart does not allow users to model outcomes: for example, to give the best outcome for the least amount of money/time … we need a tool where users can help find and model solutions themselves.

I have put into place an expert questionnaire to see if an individual can patent their invention, so we have the steps in place to ascertain what an inventor has and what they need (see; however, we do not have in place a tool to model potential outcomes.

What we need is a means to apply flowchart logic into a software tool so users can:
a) model particular inputs for an optimized output; or
b) information available to model the outcomes possible.

1. Is UML the means and the tool that I am after?
2. Is there a solution elsewhere? or
3. Has this has all been done before & I’ve missed the movement?”

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